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Automotive museum commemorates Raps win

August 21, 2019

(Photo by Chris Jones) With Ontario license plates coming close to receiving an update, the Canadian Automotive Museum received a license plate to add to their wall of plates [...]

YWCA Durham is keeping it cool

August 21, 2019

Regional chair John Henry and Ward 3 regional councillor Bob Chapman listen as YWCA Durham executive director Susanne Groen discusses the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant [...]

CCD holds walk for mental health

August 14, 2019

The 14th annual Community Care Durham Walk for Mental Health Awareness held earlier this summer was a tremendous success, according to organizers. The event surpassed its [...]

A new shine on Glen Stewart Park

August 14, 2019

The City of Oshawa has opened new splash pad facilities at Glen Stewart Park, 201 Cabot Street. The splash pad will be open every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. By Dave [...]

Pioneer Cemeteries in Oshawa

August 14, 2019

By Lisa Terech/Special to The Oshawa Express Prior to the 19th Century in Ontario, settlers were buried on their family property or perhaps beside their local church. There [...]
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