About Us
The Oshawa Express is an award-winning community newspaper that is delivered to residents and businesses in Oshawa by carriers and drivers. The Oshawa Express values and emphasizes strong, accurate and concise coverage of news, features, sports, entertainment events and advertising for our readers. We have won many OCNA awards, including Reporter of the Year, Salesperson of the Year, Best Investigative News Story, Best News Story, and much more. The relationships and partnerships with the community, our readers and the local businesses are respected and valued and are the core of our success.
We exist to provide the community with reliable information and a source of news that can be trusted and respected. We are committed to our community and work hard to interact with the community through our involvement and interest in the events happening in our city.
We provide an opportunity for all members of our community to be heard and have a voice.
Healthy communities are built on the equal opportunity of all to be heard. We believe in the growth of our community and even in our early years of development have supported many local charities and events.
We have provided unsolicited coverage of events, donated space in our newspaper and provided gifts in kind for a number of local charities. We believe in honesty, integrity and professionalism. We make a commitment to enriching our local community through the values that we believe in. The team at The Oshawa Express newspaper includes experienced managers, journalists, graphics, circulation and sales individuals that are driven to provide service to the community and the customers of our business.
We work hard to make a difference in our community.
Our Values:
Honesty, Integrity, Professionalism, Accuracy
The Oshawa Express
774 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, ON L1H 4K6
Phone: 905-571-7334
Fax: 905-571-0255
Email The Editor: editor@oshawaexpress.ca