Horoscope: May 5 to 11, 2021
March 20 to April 19
Restless, you may be a bit distracted or you might just be busy, busy, busy, rushing from one thing to another. Get in touch with relatives who live at a distance. Do not make hasty decisions.
April 19 to May 20
This month, financial and business planning is favoured. Consequently, your mind will likely be focused on your finances. Do some soul searching about what you really value in life.
May 20 to June 2
Since your mind will be extremely active during the next three weeks, you will be able to accomplish a great deal of mental work. Deal with lots of emails, phone calls and correspondence.
June 21 to July 22
You will want to keep your thoughts to yourself. The tendency now is to withdraw from the world rather than speak up. Circumstances may necessitate your keeping a secret. Rest to recharge your batteries.
July 22 to August 22
Write out your personal goals and talk them over with your friends. Communicate within groups who share your interests. Your original thoughts should surface and should be freely expressed.
August 22 to Sept 22
Set up a meeting with your manager. Do not be shy about asking him for a raise. Or, ask someone in authority how you can advance on the job. You may find yourself handling more than one job at a time.
Sept 22 to Oct 23
Take an online computer class or learn a foreign language. This is often a busy, stimulating period for teachers, students and writers. If a legal matter is on the horizon, deal with it.
Oct 23 to Nov 22
You are more prone to profound thinking, deep conversations and personal introspection during May. Your thinking is more intuitive than logical now. Negotiations about joint finances could go on this month.
Nov 22 to Dec 21
Your close one-to-one relationships are important now. Communicate with your spouse or business partner. Consult a specialist if you need to discuss a problem. Read the fine print before signing papers.
Dec 21 to Jan 19
The organizational and technical details of your work become important. At work, do whatever you can to improve teamwork. Make sure you do not have too many irons in the fire. Strive for balance in your life.
Jan 19 to Feb 19
Articulate, even dramatic, your sense of humour is high-lighted in May. Your thoughts can turn to leisure or mind games, whatever you consider fun and enjoyable.
Share ideas with children.
Feb 19 to March 20
Discuss problems with family members. Memories may surface and your thoughts will be filled with nostalgia. Spend time enjoying and updating your family albums. Enjoy quality time with your family.