Horoscope: May 12 to 18, 2021
March 20 to April 19
You will experience a renewed sense of inner peace and harmony from May 14 to July 29. Focus on factors, deep within, that make you more compassionate. Work for a charity you believe in.
April 19 to May 20
Your hopes, ideals and wishes for the future will play an important role from May to the end of July. You will reap benefits from your friendships and through participating in group activities.
May 20 to June 2
This year, you will have many opportunities to expand in your career and/or social life. More confident in your personal skills, you should enjoy the recognition you get for your efforts.
June 21 to July 22
More optimistic, you should hitch your dreams to a star and try to reach it now. Personal growth will come by expanding your mind and learning as much as you can. Go back to school as a teacher or a student.
July 22 to August 22
Benefits will come from joint finances, insurance, taxes, an inheritance, or corporate business. Get involved in a business partnership, apply for a loan, or receive extra credit. Enjoy a great financial year.
August 22 to Sept 22
Try to approach all of your relationships with the idea that you can help the other person. At the same time, they should be willing to share with you. A lawsuit should work to your advantage this year.
Sept 22 to Oct 23
In 2021, new work opportunities will be available and doing your job to the best of your ability will aid in your personal growth. If you avoid over-indulgence, Jupiter will give your health a boost.
Oct 23 to Nov 22
Pursue new hobbies, develop new educational interests, or improve your creative or artistic skills. Enjoy your children’s education, talents and accomplishments. Join an acting class.
Nov 22 to Dec 21
Good year to buy or sell real estate and to make improvements in your personal life, family relationships or home. Any problems, involving your home or family, will be easier to deal with.
Dec 21 to Jan 19
Your mind is ready for new learning experiences and the field of writing and communication show tremendous promise. You would benefit greatly from networking or attending workshops.
Jan 19 to Feb 19
Rather than overspend, look for new ways to increase your financial assets. More moneymaking thoughts will come in, but do not take your financial luck for granted. Start a new savings account.
Feb 19 to March 20
Jupiter will move into Pisces on May 14 and move through that sign until July 29. Pisceans will begin a new twelve year cycle of personal growth. Relationships and encounters should work to your advantage this year.