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Horoscope: Jan. 20 to 26


March 20 to April 19

Happy, lighthearted and social, building a social network will work to your advantage.  Relationships will take on a fun, yet impersonal tone.  Plan activities with your children.




April 19 to May 20

Your career and reputation sector are highlighter over the next four weeks and you will concentrate on accomplishing something important on the job. Authority figures will be well aware of your skills and talents.



May 20 to June 21

More adventurous, you will be attracted to anything that broadens your experience in life.  Upgrade your education by taking computer classes on-line.  Be open to a new philosophy.




June 21 to July 22

Put together receipts for income tax purposes.  Make sure insurances are in good order.  Create a new budget with your personal or business partner.  Clear out psychic junk and rid yourself of a bad habit.



July 22 to August 22

Partnership is of the utmost importance over the next four weeks.  The emphasis is on “us” rather than “me”.  Wanting the companionship of family and friends, your popularity should increase.



August 22 to Sept 22

Proud of the job that you do, you should get better organized at work and pay closer attention to your health and wellbeing.  Create a more efficient daily routine.  Clients will appreciate your service to them.



Sept 22 to Oct 23

More spontaneous and willing to take risks, your attention will turn to your creations, children, love affairs and hobbies.  Let your “inner child” come out and play.  Spread the joy that you feel.



Oct 23 to Nov 22

For the next four weeks, the Sun will highlight the sector of home and family.  Do your best to strengthen your relationship with your family.  Make your home base a secure place to return to from the outside world.



Nov 22 to Dec 21

Give other people more of your time and attention and notice their efforts on your behalf.  You will be busy running errands, doing paperwork, making phone calls or sending emails.  Try not to scatter your energies.



Dec 21 to Jan 19

Material security will be on your mind.  You may take on an extra job to earn extra funds, or could start a new savings program.  Save some money, avoid making unnecessary purchases.



Jan 19 to Feb 19

Happy Birthday Aquarius!  The Sun smiles on you over the next four weeks.  More confident, you are in a position to assert your personal influence.  Get in touch with your true identity.



Feb 19 to March 20

You will need more down time than usual.  Think of your attachments to things, people and routines.  Consider which ones are dragging you down and remove them.  Enjoy this cycle of reflection and rest.

