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Conservatives plan to bring Canada back stronger

By Courtney Bachar

Conservative incumbent Colin Carrie says Canadians are looking to have a future, not only for themselves but for future generations to come.

“Our plan of ensuring and securing the future is something that people can look at and see hope,” says Carrie.

One of the biggest issues Carrie says is affordability.

“We’re seeing this across all demographics,” he says, noting young people are concerned, working people are concerned, and seniors on fixed incomes are concerned.

Carrie says the pandemic has had a large impact on a very local level, in terms of businesses, people needing extra help with mental health services, and those that are vulnerable.

He says local businesses need the support to get back on their feet again.

“We have to do what we can to support them now, but also help them rebuild,” says Carrie.

He says the Rebuilding Main Street initiative will do just that.

The first pillar, he says, is the Rebuilding Main Street tax credit, a 25 per cent tax credit, on amounts up to $100,000 that Canadians personally invest in small businesses over the next couple years.

“This will give us a strong incentive for Canadians to invest their money to help entrepreneurs rebuild our country,” Carrie continues.

The second part is launching a program under Rebuilding Main Street to provide business loans of up to $200,000.

And while Carrie says the Conservatives did support the Liberals’ $60,000 Canadian Emergency Business Account, Canadians are saying it’s not enough for the thousands of small businesses.

The third pillar is going to be the Canada Investment Accelerator Refundable Tax Credit, which will give small businesses five per cent tax credit of any capital investments made.

“The idea is to get this money out right away so we can stimulate our economy,” says Carrie.

He says they’re also going to make it easier for entrepreneurs and young people to start a business and reduce the time spent dealing with government and paperwork.

“At the end of the day, we need to get back to strong, robust economic growth with Canada’s Recovery Plan and the plan to grow the economy,” says Carrie, adding this is a priority for Canadians.

Carrie says the Secure the Future plan is about securing jobs, noting the Conservatives are committing to recovering every one of the million jobs lost during the pandemic.

With this election, Carrie says Canadians are looking to see who can get the country out of the recession.

“I think Canadians are starting to look to give us that trust and that mandate, and that is something sacred,” says Carrie.

“If Canadians choose to give us that mandate, my promise is to continue to work putting our community first and making sure that Canada and Canadians come out of this better than they were before.”

