Forget crosswalks, fix pot holes
Dear Editor,
In the last issue of The Oshawa Express, dated Feb. 26, I found myself in disbelief over a front page article about how our elected officials spend their time at city hall.
They have, according to their own words, spent over a year of valuable time discussing the merits, or lack thereof, of spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on rainbow crosswalks.
Why do many of these folks, after getting elected to council to hopefully bring some common sense to the running of our city, decide they now have free reign to implement things as they see fit, and begin these projects that are time consuming, expensive, and actually none of their business?
They just seem to mimic their counterparts in Toronto, where after the demise of Rob Ford, they seem to think money grows on trees and any whacky pet project is in vogue.
Why not just spend the money you are about to waste on fixing our roads? Just drive south on Park Road North from Adelaide to Bond, or take a spin on our main street downtown, Simcoe Street to Olive Street. They’re terrible.
They speak of “delegations” from people who made their way to city hall in the past to voice their approval. Who are these people, and what gives them the ultimate right to speak for me? They probably have a vested interest in pushing forward their agenda on unsuspecting taxpayers.
Why can’t taxpayers express their approval or disapproval like anybody else? After all, we are the ones being forced to pay for it.
I stand with John Gray and the few others that do not approve of shoving this agenda down our throats, as this will only be just the beginning, with more social “causes” to follow at our expense, and the roads will still be a disgrace.
Remember the rule of KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Fix the damn potholes, and do the job you were elected to do.
Russ Horner