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Ford not helping Scheer

Dear Editor,

The premier of this province has lost his mind.

He is proposing rolling back funding for the French language commissioner, the child advocate , and the environment commissioner. He has proposed to roll them all into one and cut the funding for it.

I do not think he even knows what they do, and it will be very bad for children in the north of this province. Andrew Sheer wants to rid the country of Justin Trudeau and he thought that he had a great ally in Ford.

With all of the cutting that Ford is doing or proposing to do Mr. Sheer is not as hopeful as he once was! He needs the people of Toronto and the Province of Ontario to win the election. He also needs the Province of Quebec, because that is where most of the French speaking Canadians reside!

The previous government was going to build a university that was solely French speaking, and Mr. Ford cancelled that project.

Now Mr. Sheer has a very steep uphill climb to convince the French speaking people of Canada to vote Conservative. The premier elect in New Brunswick is going to have a very hard time living up to the things that he has promised. And it is all because of Mr. Ford. 

Ron Horner

