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COVID-19 relief money coming for city

Funds will help rebuild city’s economy: Carter

By Chris Jones/The Oshawa Express

Durham Region is set to receive $22.9 million in COVID-19 relief funding from the federal and provincial governments.

The funds come from a larger plan to help municipalities around Ontario recover from COVID-19 as part of the Safe Restart Agreement. In all, the province is providing $4 billion.

“As revenues decreased and costs increased due to COVID-19, municipalities are facing financial pressures like never before,” says Regional Chair John Henry in a statement. “This phased investment from the Province is vital for Durham Region to continue to provide the important services our communities depend on, such as maintaining public health and shelters.”
Henry says of the $22.9 million, $8.4 million has been earmarked for Durham Region Transit.

“This funding will go a long way to resolving revenue losses and enable DRT to implement the Service Restoration Plan and overall ridership recovery efforts,” he says. “It will also help to support ongoing sanitization and cleaning protocols that ensure the safety of our passengers and transit staff.”

The remaining $14.5 million will go towards municipal operations.

A statement from Durham MPP Lindsey Park also notes Oshawa will be receiving $4 million, while Clarington and Scugog received funds as well.

“This will support sustainable municipal services that keep our residents healthy and safe as our local economy recovers,” says Park.

Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter is happy to see funding coming from the provincial and the federal governments.

“The emergency funding will help ensure we continue to provide vital services to the Oshawa community as we rebuild our economy,” he says.

“This will support sustainable municipal services that keep our residents healthy and safe as our local economy recovers,” says Park.

Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter is happy to see funding coming from the provincial and the federal governments.

“The emergency funding will help ensure we continue to provide vital services to the Oshawa community as we rebuild our economy,” he says.
