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A break from the seriousness

June 30, 2021

Bill Fox By Bill Fox/Columnist A friend sent the following gems of Wisdom. Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane was an American country/cowboy sage. These sayings are [...]

The day they took his father away

June 23, 2021

Bill Fox By Bill Fox/Columnist For over 25 years my friend Jim Marino has been the host at 10 a.m. on Saturday mornings for The Freewheelin’ Folk Show on CFMU 93.3 [...]

Don’t wait to buy a house

June 23, 2021

Lindsay Smith By Lindsay Smithy/Real Estate Columnist Values are up! I mean, the values have skyrocketed! There is quite a bit of commentary about it being impossible to buy [...]

Just my opinion

June 15, 2021

Bill Fox By Bill Fox/Columnist Was Toronto’s Mayor John Tory really upset that the CN Tower recently was lit up in Montreal Canadiens colours? Maybe he thinks the Leafs [...]

What to expect on closing day

June 2, 2021

Lindsay Smith By Lindsay Smith/Real Estate Columnist I am excited, elated and thrilled the offer I made on my “dream home” was accepted. Should I be concerned what I will [...]
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