Horoscope: May 26 to June 1, 2021
March 20 to April 19
Take an on-line class and learn something new. Write that letter, give a talk, or have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone you trust. Get in touch with your siblings who live at a distance.
April 19 to May 20
Last month you reflected on yourself and your personal needs. This month, your personal finances will dominate your thoughts. If you do not feel financially secure, think about ways to improve the situation.
May 20 to June 2
Happy Birthday Gemini! Think about what you want to work on and create in the year ahead. Give yourself time and space to recharge your batteries. Do something special you will really enjoy.
June 21 to July 22
Schedule time for personal introspection or just to dream. Reflect on what you have learned during the past year and what areas of your life you would like to improve. It is in quiet times that new ideas emerge.
July 22 to August 22
Your attention will turn to friendships and to the groups with whom you associate. You will shine if you work to make the world a better place. Take on a leadership position and share your ideas.
August 22 to Sept 22
You will be energized to get ahead, to accomplish and further your ambitions in the outer world. People, in positions of authority, will be aware of your skills and talents. Recognition could come your way.
Sept 22 to Oct 23
You will shine if you reach for greater heights of mind and spirit. Satisfy your curiosity by reading a good book. Enrol in a course of study you have always wanted to learn.
Oct 23 to Nov 22
A cycle of personal transition, you may be provoked to make inner changes. Issues could arise concerning the money you share with a personal or business partner. Try to understand their point-of-view.
Nov 22 to Dec 21
Focus on your close “one-to-one” relationships. If you are married, pay special attention to your spouse. If you are in a relationship, but are having difficulty making a commitment, it’s time to set a date.
Dec 21 to Jan 19
If you over-indulged last month, pay attention to establishing good health habits in June. What can you do to encourage better relations with co-workers and clients? Avoid taking on more than you can handle.
Jan 19 to Feb 19
Enjoy leisure and fun activities. Plan a special outing with your children. Singles may find that, “romance is in the stars”. Express your personality through art or drama.
Feb 19 to March 20
Your home life is the foundation from which you gather sustenance and strength to deal with the outside world. You could get involved in home repairs, or your family may need extra nurturing.