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Horoscope: May 19 to 25, 2021


March 20 to April 19

Your faith or personal beliefs could be tested.  Your adventurous side will demand your attention.  Resolve any differences with your in-laws.  Travel for business or pleasure.




April 19 to May 20

Put the frustration of the past three weeks behind you.  S life moves on, things will begin to fall into place.  Draw up a new budget.  You could money from your partner.  He/she could receive a raise or bonus.



May 20 to June 2

The Lunar Eclipse on May 26 falls within your sector of partnership.  Try to find a balance between your own personal needs and the needs of your relationship.  Enjoy a romantic dinner with your spouse.



June 21 to July 22

Your work life is under a microscope this month.  Offer to help your co-workers, but do not take on more than you can handle.  Find a balance between work and play.  Adopt excellent health habits.



July 22 to August 22

Get out and about and socialize in late May.  Pick a hobby you really enjoy that will give you a chance to express who you truly are.  Plan fun activities with your children.




August 22 to Sept 22

Integrate your work goals with your home life.  Make time for both.  Nurture your family and spend extra time with them.  Take on a domestic project or complete the redecorating you were planning to do.



Sept 22 to Oct 23

You will have errands to run, lots of paperwork to do and a ton of emails to answer.  An important document could come to your attention.  Avoid signing papers if possible until early June.



Oct 23 to Nov 22

Money, you are not expecting, could come in around May 26.  Sharing issues or power struggles could come into play.  Take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of the other people in your life.



Nov 22 to Dec 21

The most important event this month is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26.  People with birthdays from Nov 26 to 20 will be affected.  Be assertive, take on a leader role.  Go for a make-over.



Dec 21 to Jan 19

You might feel invisible at work, as if people are ignoring you.  However, this is a temporary situation.  Take up a hobby like stained glass or try out a Yoga class.  Get plenty of rest and relaxation.



Jan 19 to Feb 19

A friend could introduce you to a significant other.  After a period of solitude, you will be surrounded by many people.  Volunteer to raise funds for a charitable organization.  Write out your personal goals.



Feb 19 to March 20

Prepare to be the center of attention, especially at work.  Put your best foot forward, with consideration for others.  A management opportunity could come right out of the blue.  Show off your skill set.
