Horoscope: June 2 to 8, 2021
March 20 to April 19
Enjoy a peaceful time in your home life. Relationships with your parents are good. Spend quality time with your parents and show your love. You could be inspired to take on a redecorating project.
April 19 to May 20
Since you are in the mood to communicate, talk things over with a special friend. If you are experiencing problems with another person, you should be able to get them resolved. Make a business presentation.
May 20 to June 2
Relationships and artistic endeavours will go well. Surround yourself with things of beauty. Enjoy nature, art and music. Buy something that will enhance your environment.
June 21 to July 22
Feeling outgoing, enthusiastic and social, June is an excellent time to attend social events.
Peace is more attractive than confrontation now. Give someone a hug and get one back. Take the initiative in romance.
July 22 to August 22
Work for a charitable group or take care of a relative who is ill. You might feel a need to serve, but should not play the martyr. Give yourself time and space to recharge your batteries.
August 22 to Sept 22
Enjoy feeling, open, friendly and free. If a new romance starts, it could be with someone you have always considered a friend. Start a fund raising activity for a service organization. Write out your personal goals.
Sept 22 to Oct 23
You can attract people who will help you to move ahead on the job. Your diplomatic skills are highlighted and your ability to charm will sell your ideas, products and services. You may be ready to redecorate your office.
Oct 23 to Nov 22
Your perception of beauty will be opened and broadened. Good time to take an on-line class or to sign up for art school. You could meet a significant other who comes from a different culture.
Nov 22 to Dec 21
Romance is more intense and feelings run deep. A new love would be far from casual. This is a favourable time for you to seek a loan or some other type of financial help. Your partner could receive a raise or bonus.
Dec 21 to Jan 19
Venus, in this sector, suggests harmonious relationships between spouses, business partners and competitors. Resolve any conflicts you are having with others. Good month to set a marriage date.
Jan 19 to Feb 19
Improve harmony and teamwork in the workplace. If you do your part, your co-workers will be inspired to follow your example. Your health will be good if you avoid over-indulgence.
Feb 19 to March 20
Feeling playful and affectionate, Venus will lighten your load. Express yourself with charm and confidence and share creative activities with children. Volunteer to coach a child’s sports team.