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Horoscope: April 18 to May 4


March 20 to April 19

This month, your activities will center on your home.  If you find yourself arguing with family members, go for a long walk.  Another option:  focus your energy on home improvements.



April 19 to May 20

Energetically work with neighbors to make the neighbourhood a better place.  New ideas abound, you might tend to skip over the details.  Take the lead, but respect the opinions of others.



May 20 to June 2

Financial affairs will be on your mind.  The downside could be extravagance, buying things you cannot afford, or impatience when they fail to pay off immediately.  Be open to new financial ideas.



June 21 to July 22

Energized, you have entered a  hardworking Mars cycle.  Rather than work with a team, you would prefer to work independently… Feeling vital and competitive, you will assert yourself with ease



July 22 to August 22

For the next five weeks, your energy could be limited or blocked.  More sensitive to the feelings of others, you may not want to assert yourself. A quieter period, you might enjoy working behind the scenes.



August 22 to Sept 22

Your energy is high and you will not want to wait around for others to act.  You will not be prepared to take a back seat.  Do not be too demanding, or you could lose ground.  Instead, facilitate cooperative group efforts.



Sept 22 to Oct 23

Your ambition will be stimulated and you will be ready to get ahead and to achieve at work.  This transit supports your career, unless your goals conflict with your boss’ aims. Take on a team leader role.



Oct 23 to Nov 22

Assertive and energetic, this five week Mars transit is good for promoting your own ideas and beliefs.  You can sell anything now. .Restless, if you cannot travel in person, why not travel in your mind?



Nov 22 to Dec 21

The management of jointly held finances can be an issue when Mars moves through your 8th sector of money and property, held with a partner.  If you have the money, pay off outstanding debts.



Dec 21 to Jan 19

Spend special time with your partner doing activities you really enjoy.  This can be as simple as a walk in the woods.  If there are tensions in the relationship, this is the a great time to get them resolved.



Jan 19 to Feb 19

Put off leisure activities until your work is done…Try not to become impatient with your co-workers.  Concentrate on serving others.  Share the credit and give credit to others to preserve team spirit.



Feb 19 to March 20

You can express yourself with strong vitality now, either in a play or sports.  Be competitive, but remember how you play the game is more important than whether you win or lose.  Spend special time with your children.
