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Comparison is not an insult

Dear Editor,

Ron Horner is attempting to follow his beloved leader’s attempt to cast a shadow upon Andrew Sheer in the upcoming federal election by comparing him to Doug Ford, the Conservative who won a massive majority in the last provincial election.

This logic escapes me, and I assume any other conservative-minded elector.

Doug Ford is just doing what the overtaxed, over-indebted citizens of Ontario asked him to do – to try and bring back some fiscal sanity to our sinking financial situation.

After the many billions of extra debt accumulated by Trudeau in his four years of waste, and his ignoring the facts that indeed, the budget does not balance itself, Andrew Sheer would have no choice but to find some fiscal common sense federally, as Doug Ford is doing provincially, all because of the financial policies of Trudeau’s partner in crime, Kathleen Wynne.

They are both spendaholics who have damaged our placing in the world, and lowered our standard of living for everybody residing in this country.

If you care at all about your future and your family’s future, you should all vote out spendaholics, because there is no free lunch, and vote in some common sense before it is far too late to rectify.

Huge debt loads, and unlimited illegal migration is a recipe for disaster for Canada. That plus, no pipelines to sell our precious product overseas, and to supply our own on the east coast, instead of buying it from the U.S. or Saudi Arabia. Insanity.

Spent any time in a hospital lately, or attempted to place a loved one in nursing home? It will only get much worse without any adults in the room.

Think about that on election day… Please.

Russ Horner


