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Gens’ annual Teddy Bear Toss a massive success

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oshawa Generals held its annual Teddy Bear Toss drive-thru style this year, collecting bears, cash and food donations for Durham Children’s Aid Foundation and Feed the Need Durham. (Photos courtesy Oshawa Generals)

The donations came pouring in as the Oshawa Generals held its first-ever Drive-Thru Teddy Bear Toss and Food Drive.

The traditional Teddy Bear Toss was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For three hours, lines of cars continued to grow outside of the Tribute Communities Centre with fans looking to make the holiday season special for another family.

In total, more than 700 bears, $300 in cash and gift cards, and 1,246 pounds of food – or more than 1,000 meals – were collected for the Durham Children’s Aid Foundation and Feed the Need Durham.

The organization gave thanks to Canadian Tire for sponsoring the event, all of the staff and volunteers who helped out, Will Petschenig for coming out to the event, and to all of GensNation for every single donation.

“While the organization is saddened we could not all experience one of our favourite game nights on our schedule, we could not be more proud of our community for coming together to support the cause.”
