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DI MAIO, Dorothy Elizabeth

September 15, 2015

DI MAIO, Dorothy Elizabeth (Lifelong member of St. Gertrude’s Roman Catholic Church; Volunteer at Duke of Edinburgh Public School; Loved to play cards) Peacefully at [...]

Dunham, Derek William

September 8, 2015

DUNHAM, Derek William At Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket on Friday, August 28th, 2015. Derek, in his 59th year. Beloved son of George and Mary “Helena” [...]

Vice, Murray Everett

August 25, 2015

VICE, Murray Everett (Dairy Farmer; Birchwind Farm, Oshawa, Lifelong member of Eldad United Church, Attended Conlin’s School, Proud breeder of Holsteins, Avid gardener and [...]

Hayes, John William Hendsbee

August 25, 2015

HAYES, John William Hendsbee (Durham College Instructor; Member of OPSEU) Unexpectedly, at home, on Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at the age of 34. Beloved son of Bill and the [...]
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