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Testing for COVID-19 expanding

Lakeridge Health says new cases trending down

Testing is now available for anyone who has any COVID-19 symptoms, as well as for those who are asymptomatic but may have been exposed to someone with the virus, according to Lakeridge Health.

Symptoms can include fever, new or worsening cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, and joint aches.

Residents can fill out an online COVID-19 Assessment Form and follow-up instructions for the appointment will be emailed to the patient. Testing is by appointment only and walk-ins will not be accepted.

Lakeridge Health says there has been a steady reduction in new cases over the last month.

As of June 2, there were 1,472 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Durham Region, which includes 10 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. To date, 240 of the confirmed cases are in Oshawa.

“More than anything else, successes to date are a result of the community’s collective commitment to stop the spread,” a statement from Lakeridge reads, which is co-written by Lakeridge Health Interim President and CEO Susan deRyk and Chief of Staff Dr. Tony Stone.

In total, of the current confirmed cases, 1,136 cases have been resolved, 137 cases are in home isolation, 24 patients are hospitalized, six are in the ICU, and 175 people have died from the virus, 149 of whom were long term care or retirement home residents.

In anticipation of the pandemic lasting several more months, and in the event of new waves of infection, Lakeridge Health says they are ready.

“Our team has developed a ‘surge’ plan to rapidly expand our space, increase staffing, safeguard our personal protective equipment and potentially add hundreds of beds should the need arise,” the letter continues.

Anyone wishing to get tested for the virus can complete the online assessment form at
