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Take part in an emergency preparedness survey

Durham residents are being invited to participate in an emergency preparedness survey.

The Region of Durham, in collaboration with the Social Research Centre at Ontario Tech University, would like to know about residents’ understanding of nuclear emergency preparedness.

The region says it is “committed to making sure residents are educated and informed in the event of an emergency.”

This includes coordinating regional emergency response, maintaining the nuclear public alerting system, and undertaking drills and exercises.

The survey will help determine how much residents know about general and nuclear emergency preparedness. The information gathered will assist with planning and program evaluation in the future.

This survey is open to all Durham Region residents 18 years and older.

“To help ensure the best quality data, Durham Emergency Management is seeking a diverse range and large number of participants from all Durham Region municipalities,” states the region.

Participants who complete the survey can enter to win emergency preparedness prizes, gift cards, or a Google Nest Mini.

The survey can be completed online, until September 2021.
