Reader: Think about the future of the children
Dear Editor,
Sounds like Donald Trump is in a rush to encourage big oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
No, it’s the government of Ontario using the Harris/Harper American style of legislating which will free developers from oversight by Ontario’s
Conservation Authorities.
And just down the road in Pickering are 57 acres of provincially significant wetland south of the 401 at Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road, which has the minister’s approval to be drained, filled and built on! The very signal of losses to follow.
Imagine if individual initiatives had not worked very hard to save from development Durham Region’s beautiful and tranquil Thicksons Woods and the equally important and varied Oshawa Second Marsh?
The Woods is a two – century remnant of what Ontario used to look like! The Marsh is a unique Canadian barrier beach expanse within the Great Lakes system! There was no protection for Ontario wetlands in those days, other than ownership as a Trust or municipally by the City of Oshawa.
All thanks to the Ford Bill 229 which is about to go to the final stage of consideration. Now I ask you to think about the future, and that of the many children yet to have a real . . . not a virtual experience of the natural world.
H.J. (Hugh) Peacock