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Oshawa vaccination clinic now open for seniors 80 and older

The COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Oshawa is located at the Campus Ice Centre at Durham College and Ontario Tech University.

Oshawa’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic opened today for seniors 80 years and older to book their appointment to receive the vaccine.

The Oshawa site is located at the Durham College/Ontario Tech University Campus Ice Centre.

Up until today, the Oshawa site was only providing vaccines for high priority healthcare workers.

To book an appointment for the Oshawa clinic, visit Seniors who are unable to use the online booking system can call 905-721-4828 to register by phone.

Through a partnership between Lakeridge Health and Durham Region Health Department, appointments will continue to be accepted from additional priority groups, as outlined in the provincial government’s COVID-19 implementation distribution plan.

Lakeridge Health will continue to oversee daily operations of the Oshawa vaccination site.

The health department also recently announced the opening of two other clinic sites for residents 80 years and older – the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex in Clarington, and Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex in Pickering.

Residents can book appointments for these clinics through the online booking system at, or by calling the Call Centre Booking Line at 1-800-841-2729 if assistance is needed.

The mobile vaccination clinic will also be available in the coming weeks for those who may have difficulty accessing the larger clinics.

According to the health department, additional community-based vaccination clinics are planned for all municipalities in Durham.

“The health department has worked with local area municipalities to ensure that residents have access to vaccinations in all Durham Region communities,” the department states.

For more information, visit
