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Never too late to quit

World No Tobacco Day is today, May 31, and the regional health department is reminding residents that it is never too late to quit smoking once and for all.

“Quitting smoking can be hard, but there are many options available to help with your quit efforts,” states Shelley Simic, a public health nurse with the health department, in a news release.

“It’s never too late to quit. With the right support, you can be successful and every quit attempt gets you closer to becoming a non-smoker.”

Every year, 37,000 people in Canada die because of tobacco, with 13,000 of those coming from Ontario. Regional stats show that, in 2015, 14 per cent of Durham residents above the age of 18 are smokers. More than half of these people are considering quitting or planning to quit in the next six months.

“Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in Ontario and quitting smoking is one of the best steps a person can take to improve their health,” states Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham’s medical officer of health, in the same news release.

“We encourage smokers to talk to their health care provider about strategies that can help with quitting smoking.”

For more information on quitting smoking, tobacco use prevention and protecting people from second-hand smoke, call the Durham Health Connection Line at (905) 666-6241, or visit
