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McLaughlin Square Business Centre now open

(Submitted photo)

The McLaughlin Square Business & Professional Centre held its grand opening on Thursday, Sept. 28. Pictured left to right are Vince Condarcuri, unit owner, Vincent’s Hair Design, Julius Kedvessey, potential unit owner, Eric Guernsey, manager of communications for Dr. Colin Carrie, Oshawa Member of Parliament (back row), Nick Argier, President of McLaughlin Square Condominium Corporation, Catherine Salmers, Barrister & Solicitor, unit owner, Salmers Law, Oshawa Mayor John Henry, Deputy Mayor Bob Chapman, Garth Johns, Executive Director of the Downtown Oshawa Business Improvement Area (and residential owner in McLaughlin Square), Peter Mercado, Treasurer of McLaughlin Square Condominium Corporation Jayson Pohl, Mortgage Agent, unit owner, Homes by Jay (back row), Simone Boodram, unit owner, Set in Motion, Orthotics and Mobility Specialists, and Wendy Giroux, Executive Director, unit owner, Durham Region Association of Realtors.
