Hydro One, Scouts Canada unveil Head Safe Program

Scouts Canada and Hydro One have joined together to launch Head Safe, a new program aimed at reducing the number of head injuries suffered by young people. (Photo courtesy of Scouts Canada and Hydro One)
Scouts Canada and Hydro One have joined together to launch a new program aimed at reducing the number of head injuries in young people.
The two organizations recently announced the launch of Head Safe.With concussions representing more than one in five Ontario student injuries treated by a doctor or nurse, Head Safe was developed to educate people on head safety awareness and increase head injury prevention among young people in Ontario.
The program is expected to provide youth, volunteers and families in over 25,000 households with essential educational tools.
“A concussion is a serious injury, with symptoms that can affect a person’s daily life for weeks, months or even years,” said Andrew Price, executive commissioner and CEO of Scouts Canada. “Scouts Canada continues to prioritize safety in all our programs. Through this new partnership with Hydro One, a like-minded leader in work and community safety, we have developed a program that is ahead of the curve that will equip youth and families with the capability to not only recognize the signs of a concussion or head injury and respond accordingly, but to also understand the steps toward recovery that are needed before returning to play.”
“The safety of our employees and the public is paramount at Hydro One and we understand the importance of investing in the necessary tools and training to prevent injuries on the job,” said Mark Poweska, president and CEO of Hydro One. “Our commitment to safety goes beyond the workplace to building safe communities where we live, work and play. Our partnership with Scouts Canada will make a difference by providing young people with the tools and training to prevent and treat head injuries.”
Head Safe will launch in the fall of 2019 through Scouts Canada Groups across the country, along with free public community events planned across Ontario.
Youth will learn head injury first aid, important safety measures to protect against head injuries and role play on how to respond to real-life scenarios.
They will also learn how to recognize the early symptoms of a concussion, what to do if they suspect they or someone else has a concussion, and the six steps of when it is safe to return to play, with appropriate medical clearance.