Horoscope: June 9 to 15, 2021
March 20 to April 19
The Solar Eclipse on June 10 is an excellent placement for writers, artists, psychologists and holistic practitioners. People will be more aware of who you are and what you are doing and saying.
April 19 to May 20
Since your income could fluctuate, financial security will be on your mind. Your money making ideas will increase and you might consider taking on a second job. Good time to budget, save or invest.
May 20 to June 2
The time has come to reinvent yourself. Try out a new outfit, or present yourself in a new way. Energetic, you will enjoy moving from place to place and will be more sensitive to others’ emotional needs.
June 21 to July 22
This Solar Eclipse suggests that you will be the Good Samaritan, giving of your time and energy to assist others. Withdraw from the public eye and give yourself plenty of time and space to reboot your energy.
July 22 to August 22
Work on your favourite career goal or dream, something you hope to accomplish. The tendency now is to seek out friends and confide in them. Take up a cause that you find interesting.
August 22 to Sept 22
The public will be impressed with everything you do during the next six months. You could change departments within the same company. Take advantage of any job opportunities that come your way.
Sept 22 to Oct 23
Re-evaluate your beliefs and apply them to your everyday life. Make sure you practice what you preach, so others will follow your example. Go back to school for upgrades or take a Programming Course.
Oct 23 to Nov 22
Resources you share with a partner (personal or business) can fluctuate this year. Debts will either go up or go down. Emotional situations are more complicated now, but your intuitive ability will be strong.
Nov 22 to Dec 21
Take care of a family member who is ill. Personal involvement and concern are characteristic of the Moon in this sector. Go for a counselling session. Allow your current relationship to grow and deepen.
Dec 21 to Jan 19
Make positive changes in your working conditions, or your health habits. Your daily routine on the job can change. Get involved in a helping or healing profession. Learn to mediate to deal with stress.
Jan 19 to Feb 19
You could attract a new significant other, perhaps for the first in a long time. Children or grandchildren could play a greater role in your life. Find ways to express your creative ability.
Feb 19 to March 20
You may be inspired to move, repair or redecorate your current home. Good time to start thinking of your future retirement. Your emotional needs will be stronger and more urgent this year.