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Design underway for Gold Point Wildlife Reserve

(Photo courtesy City of Oshawa)

Oshawa residents are invited to provide input on the concept design for Gold Point Wildlife Reserve.

The reserve, which is located at the southwest corner of Stevenson Road South and Phillip Murray Avenue, is being designed as a passive recreational destination to respect and protect the significant natural environmental features of the site.

“Oshawa’s Gold Point Wildlife Reserve promises to be a popular destination for those who appreciate nature, and another fantastic addition to our city’s beautiful parks, trails and greenspaces,” says Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter.

“We are excited to see this design come to life so that more community members can discover and enjoy this hidden natural jewel,” he adds.

The site includes accessible pathways with supporting amenities, which connect to Phillip Murray Avenue, Stevenson Road South and the Waterfront Trail.

Interpretive nodes provide opportunities to celebrate and respect the significant natural heritage of the area.

There will also be a formal butterfly garden and gathering space, as well as restoration plantings focusing on improving and expanding the migratory butterfly stopover significant wildlife habitat.

City Councillor Rick Kerr, chair of the community services committee, says the reserve will be an “excellent, local, accessible way for people of all ages to enjoy nature at its best.”

Regional and City Councillor Brian Nicholson says the preservation of waterfront greenspaces and natural habitat is a high priority.

“The Gold Point Wildlife Reserve will be an excellent addition to our waterfront and will provide much needed natural habitat in our city,” he says.

Council approved the renaming of lands at the southwest corner of Stevenson Road South and Phillip Murray Avenue as Gold Point Wildlife Reserve in June 2021.

The renaming recognizes the site’s significant environmental features, which include Gold Point Coastal Provincially Significant Wetland; GM Creek, located within the Gold Point Coastal Provincially Significant Wetland; and Migratory Butterfly Stopover Significant Wildlife Habitat.

Community members can visit to review a concept design and virtual presentation and provide their feedback.

Those who prefer to provide feedback on paper or in an alternate format can contact the Project Lead, Alexis Moxley, Parks Project Manager, at 905-436-3311 ext. 2322 or by emailing

Feedback will be received until noon on Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021 and will be considered as the design moves forward.
