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DDSB looking at appointment to fill vacant Oshawa seat

By Courtney Bachar/The Oshawa Express/LJI Reporter

Durham District School Board (DDSB) trustees are looking to fill a vacant seat in Oshawa.

The seat became vacant after former Oshawa trustee Ashley Noble announced her resignation from the board in October.

According to the Education Act and the board’s bylaws, there are two options to fill the vacancy – appointment or election.

According to a staff report, a byelection would cost approximately $500,000 and take about two-and-a-half months.

Oshawa Trustee Michael Barrett says he’d prefer to see an appointment take place given the estimated cost of an election.

“Understanding the two options, and an election at a cost of $500,000 – which I don’t think anybody would want to take $500,000 out of the classrooms in today’s environment – I would put forward a motion that the board of trustees establish an appointment committee,” he says.

With an appointment, the board can either choose an unsuccessful candidate from the vacated electoral area – Oshawa – from the last municipal election, or accept applications for the position.

An Appointment Committee would be established with the authority to interview and appoint a new member of the board.

The board meets again on Nov. 16.

