Applicants wanted for downtown action plan steering committee
The City of Oshawa is seeking interested applicants for its newest consultative committee, Group 20Thirty, the steering committee that will support the development of the new action plan for downtown Oshawa.
The purpose of the Plan 20Thirty Steering Committee is to advise and collaborate on the analysis and background work that will form the basis of a new downtown action plan and strategy.
Members of the committee will advise and assist city staff on understanding the existing state of the downtown and an aspirational vision for downtown Oshawa; stakeholder and public engagement; economic transformation opportunities; and development of an action plan.
The committee will comprise of 10 members of the community representing a broad range of sectors, and will include the City of Oshawa Director of Economic Development as chair, and one business representative each from the retail, cultural, culinary, professional services and personal services sectors.
Members from the five business sectors would be limited to individuals who own property or operate a business within the downtown boundary area and will include one downtown resident, one downtown development industry representative, two downtown institutional sector representatives – Ontario Tech University and the social services sector.
Those interested in donating their skills and time will be considered through an interview process based on experience working in teams, with community groups, boards or organizations; and knowledge of the current landscape of the downtown and vision to drive growth and revitalization.
Applicants can email a cover letter and resume to before Friday, Aug. 20, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
For more information, visit